Monday, March 05, 2007

Petrol Problems!

Just got out of quite an interesting tutorial. We had quite a discussion on the petrol problem which was in the news mostly last week.
I think that the media could have made it a lot worse but it seems to have fizzled out in the media eye, for now anyway.
Tesco, Morrisons and ASDA are potentially going to have plenty of cases against them in the very near future and I hope there PR team are ready as their images could disintigrate quickly in the petrol station department.
The statement that was issued by the major supermarkets last week that everything was fine with the petrol and that checks had been done was, in a way, retracted when extra checks were done to find a high level of silicone in certain batches.
The supplier of unleaded petrol to both Morrisons and Tesco is Greenergy, who shares the tanks (in which the petrol is kept) with Harvest Energy and blames them for the silicone component which has effectively corrupted the petrol.

Eventhough this happened mostly in Southern England, I personally, put off filling up my car as other petrol stations put their prices up ridiculously, knowing that motorists would avoid the big supermarkets and go there instead.
This must have affected the big supermarkets financially. For example, at my local Tesco on Saturday, whilst travelling to work, I noticed there was only about 3 cars in the station whereas usually they are queuing to get in!
However, this morning I decided I had to as I wouldn't have any chance in getting to Uni! I have to admit I did go to Tesco as it was convenient. I am just praying now that my car is going to be ok!

1 comment:

jack dickson said...

After all the news reports on the supermarkets petrol issues ive stopped using them and started using shell until safe to go back to using the supermarkets. supermarkets are cheaper but for the time being im not going to take that risk !