Thursday, March 01, 2007

Viajando en España

I've got to go to Spain next Febuary for my course. I'm feeling quite nevous about choosing where I am actually going to go as I do have to study the equivilent to PR, so obviously want the best university to get the highest marks I can.
The choice is Murcia or Madrid.
I would absolutely love to go to Madrid, even though it is quite expensive but could quite easily see myself slipping into quite a cosmopolitan lifestyle!
However, Murcia looks to be the better university (the cheaper flights, from Leeds/Bradford airport and of course, the beach not too far away, both help!). I'm quite excited about the whole scenario but will miss everyone so much. I think the tan that I will get (whilst not studying - obviously) will counter balance that in no time!
Aswell as doing spanish at uni, I have just started having private lessons where I want to concentrate on my speaking as I don't feel too strong in it. Decided, I need to get some practice if i'm going to live there!
Would love to hear from anyone who has been in or is currently in this situation as I think that knowing someone has come out of it alive (literally) would reassure me no end!

1 comment:

jack dickson said...

im sure you will be really missed by you'r friends family and most of all by simon. i think you should pick the uni that will give you the best education and not the one which has the best shopping. i would go for the beach myself as long as you use plenty of sun cream and make sure you do all you'r uni work before going to the beach