Monday, March 05, 2007

Is Virgin taking over the world?!

After it's recent take-over of NTL and Telewest, it looks as though Virgin is taking over the world as we know it!
Who can blame the great Sir Richard Branson? He has worked so hard for his success and is a positive role model, in my opinion anyway.
He has such a good PR team to help him with this and it would be absolutely brilliant if one day I could be working along side him.
The Virgin train which derailed at Grayrigg, near Kendal on 23rd of February 2007 could have been a hefty blow for the company. However, they have still come out of it on top. The fact that one elderly woman died and several others were quite seriously injured, was over looked as the media focused their attention on the heroic train driver who stayed with the train, trying to control it and the safety of the trains themselves. It seems the media have (finally) been influenced by a company.
I think that it is really clever how they managed to detract bad publicity by taking journalists to the factory where the trains are made and also to get the designer of the trains to go through their safety features such as rounded edges on everything inside the train and the very fine sheet of metal which is so fine, it's transparent, which in effect stops the glass shattering.
I think that this was a very wise move and without a doubt, people have carried on using the trains.
As for taking over the world, he has proved that anything is possible. With Virgin megastores, travel and tourism, drinks, finance, media and telecommunications, just to mention a few, I think we should just watch this space!

1 comment:

jack dickson said...

I agree i think virgin could be taking over the world and good for richard , he has put a lot of hard work into the virgin organization it has not been given to him on a plate. As for the train crash it was lucky it was a virgin train because richard has invested a lot of money designing a train that is safer with features like roll cages and also the features you have wrote about.I have not heard about any other train companies investing money like virgin has.If it had been any other train company that was involved in the crash more people could of been injured. Virgin as a company seem to care about the customer more than making quick money unlike most other businesses.